Substance Abuse Prevention

Too Good for Drugs Grade 1 Teacher's Manual

First Graders meet Carmen the Cool Cat as they work together to make healthy choices, develop friendships and learn that they are too good for drugs. Carmen and her new friend Wagner learn to appreciate their differences and become fast friends! Through these interactive lessons, children learn the concepts of setting and reaching goals, listening and making positive choices. Students also learn the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco and the safe and healthy way for children to use medications as they begin to develop their ability to predict outcomes and consequences.

Teacher’s Manual includes:

  • Ten fully scripted 30 minute lessons.
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives and a list of materials needed to teach the lesson.
  • Teacher prompts and anticipated student responses keep the delivery easy, paced and on time.
  • Assessment materials to measure program effectiveness, fidelity of implementation, and student knowledge.
  • "Home Workout: Exercises for adults and kids,” extends skill development and messages into the home for practice and reinforcement.
  • "Looking for More?" with extending learning, recommended reading, and additional activities to reinforce important concepts and skills. Program logic model including the program’s research base and theory of change and the proven strategies incorporated into the lessons.
  • Strategies for building family and school connectedness to reinforce the healthy social and emotional development of the students in and out of school.
