Substance Abuse Prevention

Too Good for Drugs Grade 4 Student Workbook - Pack of 25

Curriculum features include:

  • Ten fully scripted 30- 45 minute lessons.
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives and a list of materials needed to teach the lesson.
  • Teacher prompts and anticipated student responses keep the delivery easy, paced and on time.
  • Assessment materials to measure program effectiveness, fidelity of implementation, and student knowledge.
  • "Home Workout: Exercises for adults and kids,” extends skill development and messages into the home for practice and reinforcement.
  • "Looking for More?" with extending learning, recommended reading, and additional activities to reinforce important concepts and skills.
  • Program logic model including the program’s research base and theory of change and the proven strategies incorporated into the lessons.
  • Strategies for building family and school connectedness to reinforce the healthy social and emotional development of the students in and out of school.


Elementary Grade 4